Mexican Cartels

Violent clashes erupt between rival factions of the Sinaloa cartel in northern Mexico

Violence and conflict have erupted in the Mexican state of Sinaloa, specifically in the Culiacán municipality, between two factions of the Sinaloa cartel. The conflict has resulted in 39 reported deaths, including two soldiers, and 37 forced disappearances. Additionally, there have been 13 clashes with the army, and various forms of destruction have been reported, including blocked highways, set-on-fire trucks, and stolen cars. The situation has caused significant distress among the local population, with some individuals expressing concern for their personal safety and the well-being of their loved ones. The conflict has also disrupted daily life, with some people feeling anxious about their ability to go about their daily routines without fear of harm.
TL;DR (Meta-Llama-3.1-8B + RAG)