about us
editorial line
Mosaique.info uses many english news sources from across the world. News that appears simultaneously in mutliple sources is aggregated during publication.
Mosaique.info is a descriptive tool.
The information you will find on Mosaique.info reflects the state of international news and is not the opinion of Mosaique.info.
What is Mosaique.info?
Mosaique.info is the intelligent compression of global news. It analyzes articles from diverse sources and finds patterns, eliminates redundancies, and extracts the key points. It shows you the most relevant and concise information by events and facets, so you can better contextualize it and understand the big picture.
Does Mosaique.info publishes its own news?
No. Mosaique.info aggregates many english news sources from across the world.
How does Mosaique.info curate its sources?
Mosaique.info is committed to representing the global news landscape. It draws from a wide array of prominent sources worldwide, including state-owned media outlets. Each news item is categorized with informative tags that aid in identifying its source of origin. In forthcoming updates, we&aposll enhance the visibility of news origins. Keep an eye out for the latest developments right here.
What is the difference between Mosaique.info and other news aggregators?
Mosaique.info links articles by events and facets (persons, organizations or technical terms) to help you contextualize it. With Mosaique.info, it is easy to view the timeline for an event or to list all the news linked to a facet.
Does Mosaique.info tracks me or sells my data?
No. Read our privacy policy for more information.
How does Mosaique.info makes money?
During the Early Access period, Mosaique.info is completely free.
How can I give you my feedback?
We would love to hear your feedback. Please contact us.
Does Mosaique.info have a search functionality?
Not at the moment. Numerous features will be incorporated into Mosaique.info in the coming future. Stay tuned for updates here.