North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Putin warns US of Cold War-style crisis over deployment of missiles to Germany

The articles discuss a potential escalation of the conflict between Russia and the West, specifically over the deployment of long-range missiles in Germany. Russian President Vladimir Putin has vowed to take "mirror measures" in response to the US decision to deploy missiles in Germany from 2026, which he sees as reminiscent of the Cold War. Putin has threatened to station similar missiles within striking distance of the West, and has even hinted at relaunching production of intermediate-range nuclear weapons. The US has signaled its readiness to deploy intermediate-range ground-based weapons, and has begun preparations for a longer-term deployment of missiles in Germany. The situation has been described as a potential Cold War-style missile crisis, with both sides signaling a willingness to deploy weapons that could be used in a conflict.
TL;DR (Meta-Llama-3.1-8B + RAG)