Peru Boluarte Lux­u­ry Watch In­ves­ti­ga­tion

Police raid Peruvian President's home in luxury watch investigation

On Saturday morning, Peruvian authorities conducted raids on the home of President Dina Boluarte and the government palace. The raid on Boluarte's residence in the Surquillo district of Lima was reportedly due to investigations into her possession of luxury watches, which have been dubbed the "Rolex case" by Peruvian media. The search lasted over five hours, and authorities later searched the government palace. Boluarte has admitted to owning at least one Rolex watch, claiming it was a long-held possession acquired through personal gains since she was 18 years old. She urged the media not to delve into her personal matters. Reports suggest that Boluarte has also been seen wearing a $50,000 bracelet.
TL;DR (Meta-Llama-3.1-8B + RAG)