Orcas & Sail Boats Sinkings

Orcas Sink Sailing Yacht in Strait of Gibraltar Incident

A recent incident occurred in the Strait of Gibraltar where a sailing yacht, Alborán Cognac, encountered a pod of orcas (also known as killer whales). The encounter took place at 9am local time on Sunday. According to reports from the Spanish Coast Guard, two crew members sent an SOS after feeling blows on the hull and suffering rudder damage. A helicopter was scrambled in response, and the tanker MT Lascaux was diverted to the location. The exact number of orcas involved is unknown, but it is believed that they rammed the sailing yacht, causing significant damage. The incident highlights the potential dangers posed by these highly social apex predators when interacting with human vessels.
TL;DR (Meta-Llama-3.1-8B + RAG)