North-South Korea Conflict

North Korea to use nuclear weapons if threatened by enemy South Korea: Kim Jong Un

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has made several statements indicating a willingness to use nuclear weapons in response to perceived threats from South Korea and the United States. According to various reports, Kim stated that his forces would use nuclear weapons "without hesitation" if Pyongyang's territory was attacked, and that he would use all available offensive forces, including nuclear weapons, if enemies attempt to encroach upon the country's sovereignty. Kim also threatened to destroy South Korea permanently if provoked, and described the South Korean president, Yoon, as an "abnormal man" for boasting about military capabilities. The North Korean government is also reportedly planning to declare a hostile "two-state" system on the Korean Peninsula, effectively rejecting reconciliation with South Korea.
TL;DR (Meta-Llama-3.1-8B + RAG)