Indonesia Mount Ibu Eruption

Indonesia's Mount Ibu Volcano Erupts Twice in One Day, Spewing Red-Hot Lava and Triggering Lightning

Mount Ibu volcano in Indonesia erupted multiple times within a short period, with reports suggesting two or three eruptions occurring on the same day. The first eruption was at 1:30am local time, characterized by the spewing of incandescent lava and rocks. A second eruption occurred around 7:46am for approximately two minutes, shooting volcanic ash as high as 1,200m.
TL;DR (Meta-Llama-3.1-8B + RAG)

related actors

Most cited actors.
  1. Heruningtyas Desi Purnamasari
  2. Muhammad Wafid

related organizations

Most cited organizations.
  1. National Disaster Management Agency
  2. PVMBG

related technical

Most cited technical terms.
  1. Mount Ibu
  2. Mount Marapi
  3. Pacific Ring Of Fire