Hong Kong Retrocession to China

Canadian Judge Steps Down from Hong Kong's Top Court

Beverley McLachlin, a Canadian judge and former Chief Justice of Canada, announced her decision to retire from her position as a non-permanent overseas judge at Hong Kong's Court of Final Appeal. She will reach 80 years old in July and has expressed confidence in the court's members, their independence, and commitment to upholding the rule of law. This news comes after another British judge, Jonathan Sumption, resigned shortly after a landmark verdict convicting 14 democratic activists for subversion amid a national security crackdown on dissent. Some lawyers have questioned whether the resignations challenge the assumption that having foreign jurists on the court helps protect Hong Kong's international image. McLachlin served as Canada's Chief Justice from 2000 to 2017 and joined the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal in 2018. In recent years, Hong Kong has experienced a steady crackdown on democracy in the former British colony. It is worth noting that while both judges have expressed confidence in the court's independence, Jonathan Sumption described the environment as "impossible" when he resigned.
TL;DR (Meta-Llama-3.1-8B + RAG)